Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sick Days Suck

Monday workout: 25 min bike
Tuesday workout: PT session
Wednesday workout: 20 min RUN with PT exercises
Thursday workout: OFF
Friday workout: OFF

Happy Weekend Everyone!  Is it just me, or did this week actually go by quickly? I had a lot to do at work, which made the workdays go fast, and my evenings were pretty packed as well.  I was very excited that I got a 20 min run in on Wednesday pain free.  I wasn't excited that in those 20 mins I barely ran two miles, but I know I'll get faster :)

I had awesome plans for yesterday.  I was going to work, then PT, then maybe workout, then come home to watch a million episode of Gilmore Girls.  Well...that didn't happen.

Instead I woke up with the worst stomach ache of my entire life and Andrew forced me to stay home since he is an amazingly caring husband (yes, I would have dragged myself to work only to leave 2.5 hours later in pain).  I didn't go to PT or work out but instead watched 12 episodes of Gilmore Girls and 2 episodes of The Office.  I guess at least one part of my plan worked out. 

Thank goodness I feel better today! I think  the culprit of my sickness was all the chocolate I've been eating lately.  I even had 1/2 a cup of hot chocolate yesterday and that KILLED my stomach. 

Yeah...painful chocolately memories

I guess I can't eat chocolate for the unforeseeable future if I want to feel alright.  This was fine because I'm giving up chocolate starting November 1st with my Dad...just to see if we can do it.  I get my love of chocolate from my it's going to be pretty hard for us.   Although Dad did give it up for almost a year once, but every attempt since then has failed.  I think the longest I lasted without chocolate was 24 hours. Then I ate 1/2 a box of Oreo's. 

Reese's...I'm going to miss you! (source)

Today is a jam packed day with errand running, getting our IPHONES (hopefully), a 1st birthday party and a Ghost tour.  I'll give updates + pictures later. 

Have a great Saturday everyone!


Any fun weekend plans? 

If you saw a ghost, what would you do?

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