Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Resolutions

While most of us probably won't keep the new years resolutions we make for 2013 (the statistics are quite sad...which you can read about in this article along with some good resolution ideas that don't involve losing weight, the top resolution last year), I thought that I would write down what my resolutions are for 2013.  They say that you're more luckily to meet your goals if you write them down.  Ok...I don't know who 'they' are, but I thought it would be a good idea, so here we go:

1. Worry less
This is huge for me.  Worrying is such a waste of time and energy...two things that will be lacking in the next few months with school and work. 

Gotta love Pinterest for good quotes :)

Doesn't everyone do this to stay calm?! (picture also from Pinterest)

2. When I do stress or worry, find a healthy way to deal with it.
How about training for a 1/2 marathon, 12 person relay and full marathon, all within three months of each other.  Healthy, or crazy...or maybe a little of both?

(Also from Pinterest)
3. Continue to set goals. 

My Dad is a prime example of someone who continually sets goals.  Whether it's to write a book, gain (yet another) certification, or even to create a new recipe, he's always staying busy.  Dad is also the one who signed me up for my first half marathon.  We ran together and I 'beat' him by one second.  He blames the fact that he had to hold the keys to the car...and that extra weight apparently equals an extra second ;)  He still currently holds the family 1/2 marathon time three seconds.

Dad and I at my wedding...we danced to a polka...cause we're cool like that :)

4. Get more sleep.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...sorry...I could even write that with a straight face.  If I get 6-7 hours a night I'll be thrilled.  Gotta love the student/working life :)

Have a Happy New Year everyone!!

What are your new years resolutions? 

Running any good races in 2013?

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