Monday, April 1, 2013

I get into way too much trouble....

when I hang out with my mom!  We have a tendency to do this thing where we go into stores and I spent way too much money on very very cute shoes and clothes. 

Mom and I on the way to my wedding...she's my favorite shopping buddy :)

But first we had to have lunch...which is almost always at Panera.  I'm currently in love with their Mediterranean Salmon Salad.  That plus their hazelnut coffee gives us the shopping fuel we need  :)

The yummy salad..can you say nom nom nom nom?!
Additional Shopping Fuel

I came away with two awesome pairs of shoes, a new pair of sunglasses, and a few other little things.  I would call that a productive outing, wouldn't you?

The results of our shopping excursion

After I got home I went back out and did more shopping...but this time it was of the grocery variety.  As much as I love my husband and love spending time with him on our usual dinner/grocery shopping Friday night dates (we're the coolest couple ever...and we rock at grocery shopping together, just sayin' :), he has this thing (that I think most men have) where he thinks we should stick to a list and not walk up and down every aisle and find food that you really don't need but want anyway (like 50% Easter candy...).  So when given the opportunity, I like to go solo on the grocery shopping so I can browse a little bit more :).  I came home with a few goodies in addition to the usual food we get:

His and Hers: Dark chocolate bunny for me, Snickers Eggs for Andrew

I saw this on Pinterest...does anyone else besides me do this?!  It could almost count as strength training, right?:

So funny (Source)

Now I have to write part of my lab report before DWTS comes on (I'm usually in class on Mondays so I'm super excited I get to watch it!).  Hope you're all having a great Monday!

Do you like to grocery shop with your significant other, or would you prefer to do it solo?
My husband and I usually go together every Friday, but sometimes I like to go by myself... usually with a list in hand...that I may/may not follow :)

Favorite Easter Candy?
Reese's eggs are my absolute favorite, and I guess Starburst jellybeans are my favorite non-chocolate option.

Who do you like on DWTS?  
I LOVE Derek Hough, so I usually root for him and his partner every season, but I think there's some good competition this year.   

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