Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Resolutions

While most of us probably won't keep the new years resolutions we make for 2013 (the statistics are quite sad...which you can read about in this article along with some good resolution ideas that don't involve losing weight, the top resolution last year), I thought that I would write down what my resolutions are for 2013.  They say that you're more luckily to meet your goals if you write them down.  Ok...I don't know who 'they' are, but I thought it would be a good idea, so here we go:

1. Worry less
This is huge for me.  Worrying is such a waste of time and energy...two things that will be lacking in the next few months with school and work. 

Gotta love Pinterest for good quotes :)

Doesn't everyone do this to stay calm?! (picture also from Pinterest)

2. When I do stress or worry, find a healthy way to deal with it.
How about training for a 1/2 marathon, 12 person relay and full marathon, all within three months of each other.  Healthy, or crazy...or maybe a little of both?

(Also from Pinterest)
3. Continue to set goals. 

My Dad is a prime example of someone who continually sets goals.  Whether it's to write a book, gain (yet another) certification, or even to create a new recipe, he's always staying busy.  Dad is also the one who signed me up for my first half marathon.  We ran together and I 'beat' him by one second.  He blames the fact that he had to hold the keys to the car...and that extra weight apparently equals an extra second ;)  He still currently holds the family 1/2 marathon time three seconds.

Dad and I at my wedding...we danced to a polka...cause we're cool like that :)

4. Get more sleep.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...sorry...I could even write that with a straight face.  If I get 6-7 hours a night I'll be thrilled.  Gotta love the student/working life :)

Have a Happy New Year everyone!!

What are your new years resolutions? 

Running any good races in 2013?

Friday, December 28, 2012

Catching Up

This semester was crazy with a capital C...which is not the grade I got in my two classes (I may have gotten A's...yay!).  Between the new work schedule where I work 10 1/2 days four days a week, taking classes four nights a week from 7:30pm-10:30pm (and yes...they would keep us there that late...) and the addition of a second job, I was totally burned out once break came along and may or may not have watched an entire season of Bones in three days after finals.  Pathetic...or an decide ;)  

What I did accomplish during the semester besides good grades was baking cupcakes for my best friend's sister's wedding (confusing?!).  After over 12 hours of baking with my Mom's help, I would call it a success, but I had no desire to eat/look/touch a cupcake for weeks after the wedding. 

The cupcake table :)

I also ran two half marathons, Baltimore and Hershey, one with a PR of 1:40:51 (Baltimore)!! 


My sister-in-law also ran Hershey, completing her first half marathon (I'm so proud!).   

Our race bibs that morning

Other than that my life consisted of work, school, working out, work, eating Chick-fil-a, school, running, and work.  The winter semester starts next week and my crazy self decided to take two classes over a four week semester.  Luckily they are Developmental Psych and Abnormal I hope to learn to develop not to be abnormal (maybe?...haha). 

In other news, I'm thinking about running my first marathon (hopefully without injuring myself...which happened with my other marathon that I wanted to run.) 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

What were some of your achievements in the last few months? 

Any advice for a new marathon runner?  What (if any) training plan did you use?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My summer 'vacation'

Despite this summer being extremely busy...some fun things also took place (including a few races!):

- Races: I ran the Frederick 1/2 Marathon in May and the Baltimore 10 miler in June.  One of my co-workers was injured and couldn't run the Bmore 10 miler, so I took her bib. 

After the Frederick 1/2...I missed a PR by 50ish seconds...but I was still happy about my time!

- Family: My sister, Sara, (who has been in Korea for the past year) came home for a few weeks, so I took some time off of work to hang out with her and the rest of the fam.

Sara and I at Kennywood

Mom, Sara and I at the Lady Antebellum concert (an awesome group!)

The fam in Pittsburgh at the top of the incline (Go Steelers!)

- BRAND NEW CAR:  Meet Avy, our 2012 Dodge Avenger (and our first new car for both Andrew and I).  It's my baby :)

Love that car :)

A (small) vacation:  Since there was only a short time between my class ending and Andrew starting school, we decided to do a small weekend getaway to a bed and breakfast in Cape Charles, VA.  We relaxed, went on a kayak wine tasting (you kayak to the vineyard...) and ate a lot of good food.

The view..

Yummy wine at the vineyard

After a fancy dinner out where we had!

- Anatomy and Physiology: maybe this wasn't exactly 'fun', but I was able to get this extremely difficult class over with in eight weeks (instead of the normal 3-4 month semester).  It was really intense and between class, lab and studying I put in around 30 hours a week (on top of my full time job).  But I think I'll use pretty much everything I learned...which is always good :)

The fall semester starts in two weeks, and I also start a new work schedule where I get every Friday off (yay) but have to work 10 1/2 days (boo).  

What have you been up to this summer?  Anything fun and exciting?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Break = Time to Blog!

Sorry I've been M.I.A these past couple of months.  I somehow didn't realize that full-time job + two tough classes = zero free time/social life.  But spring break has finally arrived and I'm able to blog a little bit since I only have a three day work week (Monday-Wednesday) plus no school.  Here are some things I plan to accomplish with all of this free time:

1.  Sleep more.  Getting only 5-6 hours of sleep a night = one tired, grumpy, hard to live with Kate.  I've already been to bed before 9:00 once and feel like I could run a marathon today!

2.  Organize.  Do you see this desk?! I'm usually the rediculously organized, so this just bothers me. 

Not my desk...but it's almost as messy (source)

3.  Hang out with this girl (it's been way too long!):

4.  Homework.  It never ends.

5.  Bake.  Enough Said.

6.  Hang out with Andrew.  Because seeing him for less than two hours a day does not count!

Cute, right?!

7.  Blog more than once every three months.  I'm not making any promises...but it's worth a try. 

I hope you all have a great week and enjoy this amazing weather.  I see a 10 mile run in my future, but for now it will just be the arc trainer and the Insanity Abs workout :)  Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Long time, no talk (my b!)

Howdy Happy Blog readers (if I have any left!). I apologize for my long absence...but I have a (few) reasons:

1. The holidays:

Around Christmas and New Years is absolutely crazy in the Nagel household.  We have multiple family dinners on my side, then had to drive to PA to see his side of the family.  I envy the time management of the other bloggers who could actually blog around the holidays!

2. I'm going back to school!!!!!!!

Don't you love my backpack?! Andrew got it for me for Christmas :)

I'm taking night classes at our local community college.  Pysch 101 in the winter, then Bio 101 and Stats in the Spring.  It will be hard to juggle everything, but I'm really looking forward to it (does that make me a nerd?!).  But speaking of school...I need to get to the reading/homework (ggrrr). 

I hope everyone has a good weekend! My hope is to update the blog once a week (either Saturday or Sunday) look out for that :)