Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

After looking far and wide for a new Christmas tree stand, our tree is up:

I decided to go with a blue and silver theme this year instead of red and green.  I'm completely obsessed with Pinterest and found a lot of DIY decorating ideas.  My first 'craft' idea: 

Holy flash Batman!

There will be many more decorations in the next couple weeks.  Hopefully the apartment will look very festive :)

We leave for Vegas on FRIDAY!! I probably won't blog while I'm there, but I'll make sure a post a bunch of pictures when I get back.  I'm nervous about the race, but it should be fun!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Post Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! My thanksgiving started with an amazing breakfast:

The breakfast :)

The chef :)

After watching part of the Thanksgiving Day parade (my cousins were in one of the marching bands!!) we drove up to Hershey.  I forgot to take pictures of the food, but I did get the dessert I made:

And my sister-in-law got a new kitten, Squirt:

On Friday we did some shopping, but other than that it was a pretty chill Thanksgiving.  The Christmas tree is going up this weekend :) I love getting into the holiday spirit!

Have a great Saturday!

How many weeks before Christmas do you put up your tree? 

Find any good deals on Black Friday?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Preparations!

After working a half day (well...actually a 6 hour day), I went to the gym to get my workout on before I started baking for Thanksgiving. 

I'm really excited about seeing my husband's family and having my parents there too.  We're going to my sister-in-law's in Hershey, PA ('the sweetest place on earth'..and can smell the Reese's plant as you drive in...awesomesauce).  Andrew and I went last year and had a blast, so we wanted my parents to share in the Nagel Thanksgiving experience too :)

I'm baking two things: These and This.  I'm nervous about baking the rolls, but since I'm making them the day before I'll have time to make something else if I mess them up. 

Oh..and of course this is the perfect day before thanksgiving dinner:

My parents are coming over tomorrow morning before we drive to PA because they need to bake 'crapple' (I will show you that wonderful creation in a later post) because they are currently renovating their kitchen.  The best part about this is Dad offering to make breakfast!! I plan to make pumpkin muffins and I think Dad is making pancakes and eggs.  Greco breakfasts are epic...and it will hopefully tide us over until dinner at 1:00 ;)

Some have chocolate.  The white specs are cake mix...I can never get rid of them when I make these muffins!

Have a happy happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

The best way to refuel after a long run...

8.13 miles to be exact :)

Can I say that I love my hubby...look where he took me:

I think this is the best way to refuel after a long run, don't you?!

Off to get ready for work and this three day week.  Have a happy Monday everyone!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Shopping Date

Why do weekends go by so quickly, yet the weeks take forever?!  This week, despite it only being three days, will probably feel extremely long since I have Thanksgiving and the possible viewing of Twilight to look forward to. 

I still haven't decided which dessert to bring, but I did make these cookies with the hope of sending them to my B-E-A-U-tiful sister who in currently in Korea.  However, she will be going to China for Thanksgiving and I was afraid they wouldn't get to her in time. 

The best MOH ever!

Come to find out...Andrew LOVES these cookies.  I was going to bring the remainder of them (I gave some to Mom) to Thanksgiving, but I don't think they will make it to Thursday.  What should I do?!

Anyways...Yesterday was spent shopping and hanging out with Mom.  We got a little bit of Christmas shopping done (aka I try on clothes and then 'forget about them' then get them for Christmas), I found some clothes for work and we went to Panera for lunch. 

I heart their Hazelnut coffee!

Then Andrew and I did some grocery shopping and went to Subway for a quick dinner.  Then I went to bed at 9:30.  I lead a very exciting life...haha.'s off to get ready for church, lunch, GOTR and an eight mile long run (eek!).  Have a great Sunday everyone!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday Randomness

1. I somehow managed to follow my own blog.  I didn't do it intentionally, but I have an extra follower now.  It's me.  Pathetic?

2. Since it's my off day (and I'm going crazy!) I'm trying to decide what I will cook for Thanksgiving.  Dad said we can eat chocolate on both Thanksgiving day and Christmas day so I think the dessert I make should have chocolate in it.  But first I'm thinking about these rolls from How Sweet It Is:

But for dessert it's between a few things from Picky Palate.  First idea:

Pumpkin Toffee Chip and Rolo Chunk Cookies

Or this:

Cinnamon Roll Pumpkin Vanilla Sheet Cake

So many choices!

3.  I'm going Christmas shopping with Mom on Saturday.  Yes, Christmas shopping.  I like getting this stuff done early.

Meet my Mom...isn't she pretty? :)

4. I'm also going to attempt an eight mile run before shopping.  Hopefully it won't be too cold!

5. I OD-ed on Frosted Mini Wheats after dinner tonight.  I crave weird things.  Like cereal. I blame my Dad on that one...he eats cereal as a snack every day.

6. I want Ricki Lake to win DWTS, but only because I'm in love with Derek Huff. 

Ricki, Ricki, Ricki! (source)

Did anything random happen to you today?

Who do you want to win DWTS?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I think I have a new obsession...

Good morning! With little brain power this  morning, I thought I would check out what Pinterest is all about.  I see a lot of other bloggers mention it and even post some I guess it's my turn :) I found a lot of motivational fitness quotes that I wanted to share today: 

I love this one...and now feel better about my big butt...haha

Hopefully these made you smile/want to go do something healthy :)

I'm off to get ready for church and a baptism. 

Have a fabulous Sunday everyone!

What motivational quotes do you live by?

Any fun plans for today?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Reasons why I was M.I.A.

Happy Weekend Everyone!  I apologize for my absence, but things have been pretty hectic around here. 

An update on my running: 4.5 miles PAIN FREE!!! It was slower than molasses in January, but it still felt great.  The 1/2 marathon is looking better and better! My hope is to run around 6 miles today, but we shall see if that actually happens. 

In other news, Andrew and I went on a mini-adventure to Chicago for my birthday weekend.  After looking at the pictures I realized that I took more pictures of food than anything else (oops! Maybe we both love food way too much) Here are some pictures:

Frozen custard 'contrete' consisting of vanilla custard and a whole funfetti cupcake (frosting included!). 

Apparently the best pizza in the U.S.A. I wouldn't argue with was AWESOME!

I dream about these cinnamon rolls.  They were gone in 30 seconds.

Oh...those cinnamon rolls..were a side  to this massive vege omelet.

This guacamole was made in front of us at That Little Mexican Cafe...and it was also gone in 30 seconds 

Did I make you hungry...or have the urge to go to Chicago?  I love that city and would encourage everyone to visit it as least once.  And you know what else is nice about it, it's a running city! There was at least one 5K every weekend in the spring/summer and they were all pretty well organized.  I hope to run this race in the near future:

Source to prepare for my run.  Have a great Saturday!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Crazy for Chocolate

Sunday Workout: 22 min run/walk plus PT exercises
Monday Workout: 20 min Arc Trainer plus PT exercises

As my last days of chocolate consumption pass me by, I have to figure out what to replace this amazing food group (yes, in my mind it is a food group) with...and what I can make with my leftover chocolate chips (from previous posts you know I eat them straight/with PB so they won't be good to have in the house). 

Here are some ideas I came up with for chocolate replacements: 

- Edy's Fruit Bars: I love these things.  There's between 60-80 calories per bar and they're all natural, so I know what I'm eating.  Plus I can't feel guilty since I'm pretty much eating fruit. 

The Acai Blueberry is in my freezer right now (source)

- Fruit: From what I've heard, the sweetness in fruit sometimes stops sweets cravings. I've obviously never tried it. Some of my favorites are strawberries, nectarines, bananas, apples, oranges...and many more. 

- Oatmeal:  Another snack suggestion from a coworker...I don't know if I'll go for that or not.

- Yogurt: This could be good.

- Cereal: I LOVE cereal...good option in my opinion. 

- Candy of the non-chocolate variety(in moderation of course): Mike and Ike's, Jolly Ranchers, Starbursts, oh the lists goes on and on .  
Our current candy stash

After writing it all up chocolate looks like it could work.  From what my Dad told me, the first two weeks are the hardest.  They will be hard for me since my birthday is in the first two weeks of November, and I always get a chocolate dessert on my birthday. 

We shall see how it goes!

What is something you find hard to give up?

What is your favorite non chocolate snack?

Any suggestions for a baking recipe including chocolate chips?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

1st birthdays and a ghost tour

Good morning everyone! I'm happy to report that I'm feeling better.  Whatever I had was pretty crappy though. 

Yesterday was extremely busy with errand running, birthdays and ghost tours.  The first thing we did was order our IPHONES!!! We both got the black iPhone 4S and it should be shipped to our apartment in a couple weeks (which is good because we were due for an upgrade over a year ago).  

After a quick Subway lunch, we relaxed a little bit at home before heading to my cousin's house for his son's first birthday. 

That cake was awesome. It was chocolate and I didn't feel sick afterwards :)

The parents wondering if their son will like sugar ...

I think the answer is yes :)

Then Andrew and I went straight from the party to dinner and a ghost tour with Megan, Luke and Megan's parents. 

Watch out Ghost Hunters...

I guess you can sometimes see a figure in the window...I didn't see anything though

The ghost tour guide said 'orbs' were seen in pictures taken on these steps.  Again...I didn't see anything.

Also haunted...

One of the jail cells...there were only three for this small town. 

All in all, a great not-feeling-sick anymore Saturday.  Now today is another busy one: 

- Sunday school
- Church
- Lunch (probably subway again...hehe)
- Girls on the Run
- Workout 
- Grocery shopping 
- Dinner
- Collapse

Have a great day everyone!  

Are your weekends usually busy, or do you get some down time?

Any races today? Fun workouts?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sick Days Suck

Monday workout: 25 min bike
Tuesday workout: PT session
Wednesday workout: 20 min RUN with PT exercises
Thursday workout: OFF
Friday workout: OFF

Happy Weekend Everyone!  Is it just me, or did this week actually go by quickly? I had a lot to do at work, which made the workdays go fast, and my evenings were pretty packed as well.  I was very excited that I got a 20 min run in on Wednesday pain free.  I wasn't excited that in those 20 mins I barely ran two miles, but I know I'll get faster :)

I had awesome plans for yesterday.  I was going to work, then PT, then maybe workout, then come home to watch a million episode of Gilmore Girls.  Well...that didn't happen.

Instead I woke up with the worst stomach ache of my entire life and Andrew forced me to stay home since he is an amazingly caring husband (yes, I would have dragged myself to work only to leave 2.5 hours later in pain).  I didn't go to PT or work out but instead watched 12 episodes of Gilmore Girls and 2 episodes of The Office.  I guess at least one part of my plan worked out. 

Thank goodness I feel better today! I think  the culprit of my sickness was all the chocolate I've been eating lately.  I even had 1/2 a cup of hot chocolate yesterday and that KILLED my stomach. 

Yeah...painful chocolately memories

I guess I can't eat chocolate for the unforeseeable future if I want to feel alright.  This was fine because I'm giving up chocolate starting November 1st with my Dad...just to see if we can do it.  I get my love of chocolate from my it's going to be pretty hard for us.   Although Dad did give it up for almost a year once, but every attempt since then has failed.  I think the longest I lasted without chocolate was 24 hours. Then I ate 1/2 a box of Oreo's. 

Reese's...I'm going to miss you! (source)

Today is a jam packed day with errand running, getting our IPHONES (hopefully), a 1st birthday party and a Ghost tour.  I'll give updates + pictures later. 

Have a great Saturday everyone!


Any fun weekend plans? 

If you saw a ghost, what would you do?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

100 Things About Me

I'm stealing this idea from another blog...but these are always fun and they actually get me to think.  I don't know about you, but it's really hard for me to think of 100 things about myself...But here we go:

1. I was born in Germany.  And yes, I can run for President.

2. Since my Dad was in the Air Force, I've moved six times.

3. Thanks to Dad, I can also say that I lived in Germany and Italy.  Too bad I don't really remember either of them (although I do remember Italy had really good bread..random).

4.  My mom is one of my best friends.  I tell her everything.  Maybe too much.

5.  My (younger) sister and I didn't get along until we were in college.  Now she lives in South Korea (she's also in the Air Force).  Email and Facebook are now extremely important.

6.  I am the oldest child (and the wisest...and since the young one isn't here to defend herself...I win)

7. My Dad is one of six kids.  Mom is one of four kids. 

8. The fact above means that my family is HUGE.

9.  My husband and I met through friends through Facebook.  Our first phone conversation was six hours long.

10.  Marrying him was one of the best decisions I've ever made :)

11. If you couldn't tell already, family means the world to me.

12.  I haven't seen all of the Star Wars movies (I need to see Episode 6) but have seen and read all of the Harry Potter books/movies (multiple times).

13.  I don't like roller coasters.  In fact, I almost passed out after riding The Racer in Kennywood.  It's pathetic, I know.

14. I love the spin rides though.  I think I may be the only person in the world who does. 

15. I played three Varsity sports in high school: Soccer, Basketball and Lacrosse.

16. I played soccer and lacrosse in college.

17. Lacrosse is, by far, my favorite sport to play.

18. Soccer is my favorite to watch.

19. Baseball is my least favorite sport. EVER. Maybe if the games weren't as long I would like it more. 

20. I did, however, become a Chicago Cubs fan when I moved there.  I lived on the North Side.  It was mandatory.

21. I didn't like running until college.  Dad signed me up for my first half marathon, and it's still my best 1/2 marathon time.

22. I have run three 1/2 marathons in under two hours.

23. I hope to run a marathon one day, if my body will let me.

24. Add a triathlon to that list too.

25. If I could run any race, it would be the Rome, Italy Marathon.

26. I have an extra muscle in my left foot.

27. My SI (Sacroiliac Joint) also likes to pop out of place.

28. Doctors have compared my feet to a 60 year old, overweight man.  Nice, huh?!

29. I usually have to wear the most stable running shoes. These are usually very ugly.

30.  My goal when I graduated from college was to move to a city where I had never been before. Hence moving to Chicago.

31. Andrew and I love to travel, but this thing call money and lack of it prevents us from traveling on a regular basis. 

32. I want to go back to Europe before we have kids. 

33. Our trip to Las Vegas in December will be the first time Andrew and I have been to the West Coast. 

34. I have never gambled before.  And probably won't while we're in Vegas.

35. California will be our next trip to the West Coast. 

36. My sister is also trying to convince me to visit her in Korea.

37. Giving me the winning lottery numbers will help to achieve 29-34.

38. I'm a reality TV junkie.

39. I particularly love the food related reality Man vs. Food.  He has the best job...he gets to eat all day!!

40. I also like the trashy ones, esp. the Real funny/dramatic!

41. Andrew and I also watch Ghost Hunters on a regular basis.  Don't judge ;)

42. I would love to be on the Biggest Loser so I could work out 6-8 hours a days.  I don't think I qualify though.

43. I'm in love with chocolate.

44. And peanut butter.

45. And cookies.

46. And candy (esp. Reese's!)

47. And pizza.

48. Ok...maybe just junk food in general.

49. I always try to eat healthy, but my addiction to the food listed above prevents me from doing so. I'll start tomorrow ;)

50. I try to eat a fruit and vegetable with every meal.

51. When I moved out of my parents house, I didn't know how to cook at all.  I couldn't even boil water.

52. Since I got married, I cook all the time.  New recipes no longer scare me.

53. Since I got my Kitchen Aid Mixer, I now LOVE to bake (Thanks Mom!).

54. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. 

55. Pancakes and cereal are my favorite breakfast food.  I lived on cereal in college (the food was pretty bad).

56. My goal is to make homemade cinnamon rolls and biscuits for breakfast on the weekends.  They take a lot of time.  I don't really have that right now :(

57. I must have coffee in the morning.  Andrew has witnessed the monster that comes out when I do not get my daily dose of caffeine. 

58. I also order the same thing when I go to any coffee shop: A small non-fat, no whip mocha.  Since this can make my waist line bigger and my wallet smaller, I don't go to coffee shops very often.

59. My favorite color is Carolina Blue.

60. UNC has been my favorite college team since fourth grade.  I had to pick a team to hang out with the boys and I liked UNC's colors the best.

61. The Pittsburgh Steelers has been my favorite football team since I can remember.  I even liked them in the 90s...when they were horrible.

62. I also didn't like playing with Barbies or anything girly when I was younger.  G.I. Joes were so much cooler.  So were Nerf guns. And Legos.

63. Andrew and I actually put together his Lego pirate ship...just for fun.

64. On a more girly note, my favorite flowers are tulips and roses.

65. My first celebrity crush was JTT. 

66. It then quickly moved on to Hanson.

67. Then the Backstreet Boys.

68. The 'N SYNC.

69. And I've been in love with Justin Timberlake ever since. 

70. Andrew and I share a passion for music and try to go to concerts as much as we can.  He did refuse to take me to the NKOTB/BSB concert though...lame!

71. I know how to play the piano, flute and drums.

72. I actually took a piano class in college.  I got an A.

73. My favorite seasons are fall and spring.

74. I only like snow when I get off school or off work.  I hate it in any other situation and don't really care how pretty it looks.

75. The reason I feel this way about snow is due to the town I went to college in then the city I lived in after college.  Walking through it every day was awful, esp. when it's April and it snowed 8 inches.

76. I like summer more than winter because it's great running weather.  Sweat = Proof of a great workout.

77. I also love the beach.

78. My husband is more of a hiking/museum guy.

79. On our honeymoon we compromised: We stayed at a resort in St. Lucia, but went on a safari as one of our excursions.  It was probably the best trip we've ever been on together (thus far).   

80. I was only 17 when I went to college and am the youngest one of my college friends. 

81. I don't think I will ever feel old.

82. Speaking of anyone ever too old to go to Disney World?!  It's one of my favorite places.

83. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie.

84. Bell is the coolest Princess of them all!

85. On Broadway, however, the Lion King is much better than Beauty and the Beast.  I highly recommend seeing it!

86.  Tigger is my favorite non-princess Disney character. 

87.  My parents own almost all of the Disney movies on VHS (remember those?!) and my Dad knows all the words to every Little Mermaid song.  We watched that one a lot as kids.

88.  My favorite Non-Disney cartoon is Johnny Quest.  If you've never heard of that cartoon you're missing out!

89. I have watched every episode of Gilmore Girls multiple times and own all seven seasons.

90. My sister and I randomly quote Friends on a regular basis. 

91. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.  (Does anyone really know?! Or have any ideas for me?!)

92. I worry way to much.  Usually about things that aren't important. 

93. I wish that I took more pictures.  That would probably make this blog more exciting.

94. I'm a perfectionist.

95. I always triple (not double) check my work.  I feel like it is only half done if I don't.

96. I am the worst speller.  I used spell check on Word all. the. time.

97. I'm also not the best writer. But I love blogging.

98. I look up to those bloggers that update their blogs multiple times a day.  It's definitely something for me to strive towards. 

99.  I am extremely Type-A (and because of this I worked on this post for days. I actually almost stopped at 51 facts...but just had to keep on going until I got to 100).

100.This post took me five days to complete.
What's a random fact about you?
See above :)

Could you think of 100 things about yourself...or is 100 just too much?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fun Fall Friday

Monday Workout: 36 mins bike and PT exercises
Tuesday Workout: PT session
Wednesday Workout: OFF
Thursday Workout: 35ish mins bike and Body Pump
Friday Workout: PT session and 2.5 mile walk with the hubby.

Happy Friday!!!! So I have some great news....

....I went to the doctor today....and

HE SAID I COULD RUN!!! I'm excited...can't you tell?!

So my husband and I went to Chick-fil-a for dinner to celebrate.  Actually we were going to Chick-fil-a anyways because it has become our Friday thing...but that's besides the point.  

After dinner we decided to take a walk around this park by our apartment complex.  My wonderful husband took some pictures on our walk.  Here are a few:

Facebook profile pic...'Like'

This is my favorite!

Ok...maybe this is my favorite...I love the colors of the leaves.
I love fall! I think I may need to make something pumpkin or apple related like soon to celebrate fall.  I know what you're thinking...and will be extremely hard to back away from the peanut butter and chocolate combination.  But that will be back soon :)

Have a great weekend everyone!

What is your favorite season?
I like the 'in between' seasons: Fall and Spring.  It's not too hot, not too cold.  All you need is a light jacket. (Name that movie!!)

Pumpkin or Apple?
I like eating apples straight, but in desserts pumpkin takes the cake (pun intended).